Melanie’s Books

Do you struggle with letting go of the past? Do you need encouragement and answers for your pain? Or do you long to meet someone who understands what you're going through? Melanie Shull knows what it's like to strive in silence. To hide in guilt and shame. To feel alone. To live with deep wounds.

But Melanie has learned that forgiveness is the key to setting us free from a past of pain, and it's what releases the flow of God's indescribable joy through our lives. She wants you to discover this key too. In Unlocked Hearts, Unleased Joy: Forgiveness is the Key, Melanie uses her storytelling talents to reveal Jesus as the healer of our wounds. This life-changing book can help you to forgive, experience healing, and live in joy.

"This is the Bible study you've been looking for. The theme of forgiveness is intricately woven into each chapter through Melanie Shull's own story and through needy, desperate, or imperfect Bible characters who came face to face with truth. You'll find an emphasis on getting answers from God's Word, and you'll discover how to make choices based on biblical wisdom. I highly recommend it." --Carol Kent, director of the Speak Up Conference; speaker; author of He Holds My Hand: Experiencing God's Presence and Protection.

Are you in need of some spiritual refreshment? Do you feel too tired, too wounded, or too weak to continue running towards the finish line of this race called the Christian life? Then you need a spiritual spa treatment designed for your heart, soul, and mind. Book your 7-week appointment now with the One who has invited you to rest in Him – Jesus Christ. He has everything you need to live your one life well. He’s our Savior, Refuge, Healer, Shelter, Strong Tower, and so much more. Jesus is the only One who can exfoliate our hearts so we can be the radiant women He has designed us to be.

*Contributing Author

This book is for anyone who struggles to write. These stories of courage from 62 writers, including Melanie Shull, will remind you, in your struggle to write and share your story with the world, that you can be encouraged and empowered. God reminds us in Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."