Think it on Sunday, Write it on Monday, Post it on Tuesday!
On Sunday we continued our sermon series called "Jesus Is...". Our pastor is teaching through the book of John this year. Yes, you understood correctly. He will be teaching the book of John all of 2012. It's very exciting to take one of God's love letters and read it and reread it with a heart of desire that wants to know Him deeply. Savoring each word as it's seasoned with truth, and then allowing that truth to digest slowly, we anticipate each morsel, seeking to absorb all that we can. There's so much being told about Christ as we trace the pen of John.
This week we looked at John 1:19-34. The verse that stuck with me the most was verse 29 when John sees Jesus coming toward him and he says, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." The revelation that I came away with was grasping the fact that John the Baptist got to introduce Jesus to the world. He announced Jesus' arrival saying, "Behold! The Lamb of God." That struck me this week differently than any other time I've read it or heard it. What a privilege. John introduced our Savior to His own creation. Wow! It makes me think of when the King and Queen are being announced as they arrive at the ball. As each guest, with great anticipation, waits at the bottom of the winding staircase in the ballroom, the excitement builds as the King's arrival draws near. Jesus, the Lamb who would be slain, was the One whom they had so long awaited. He had just arrived to begin His ministry, though not at the top of a winding staircase, but near the Jordan River, away from town. His servant John, who had been baptizing in the river, announces to the crowd, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!" It just gives me chills. But what was even more fascinating to me was the realization that I have the same announcement to make as His servant today and every day that God allows me another breath. "Behold, the Son of God has arrived!" Everything I do and say should be fulfilling that purpose -to point the way to Jesus Christ. All of us, who are Christians, have the same purpose and privilege that John the Baptist had. He was just the first to proclaim it. Now Jesus has called us to proclaim Him as well! When Jesus arrives again, it will be to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The trumpets will sound the announcement of His final arrival. "Behold, Jesus Christ!" He will be forevermore in His new position on the throne, and we will reign with Him for all eternity.
If you can take the time, click on the video below and worship Jesus today!
My Pleasure,
If you can take the time, click on the video below and worship Jesus today!
My Pleasure,