Beauty Comes Through Suffering
When you look at this picture, what do you see?
I see a burst of radiant pink; an azalea bloom among pollen laden leaves.
The flower makes me smile. The pollen makes me cringe.
My mouth feels as if someone has poured powder into it; my eyes itch; I sneeze, "A-choo!"
I don't know about you but it's hard to see the beauty when the suffering is so strong.
The pollen is the culprit of the suffering that many of us experience in the spring.
But without it, the flowers wouldn't and couldn't bloom into beautiful perfection.
In our Bible Study last night, we were continuing our book study of the 66 Love Letters by Dr. Crabb. Part of our discussion was on the Book of James.
The book of James is a lot about how we should respond to the suffering in our lives.
James 1:2 says, "Count it all joy when you fall into various trials,"
Trials or sufferings are faith-testers.
"knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience." (James 1:3)
In this life, sufferings are inevitable. As Christians, our sufferings are our participation in the sufferings of Christ. (1 Peter 4:12-13) 1 Peter 1:6 encourages us to rejoice in our sufferings. This may sound strange, but it is a priviledge to be faith-tested. I'm even going to go so far as to say that we should look forward to the testing of our faith. Each trial that we endure shapes us to look more and more like the image we were created to mirror- the image of Christ. Our sufferings are necessary as we journey on this narrow road to reach and meet Perfection-Jesus Christ, face to face.
So, just like the pollen is necessary for the beauty of the flower to be complete, our sufferings are necessary for the beauty of Christ to be completed and perfected in us.
What trials have you been through? What sufferings are you going through right now?
How is your faith being tested?
Whatever your answers, know this...
"But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking nothing." (James 1:4)
Dear Lord Jesus,
The sufferings and the testing of my faith, which pale so in the reality of Your sufferings, are perfecting me and completing me into the image of Yourself. I know this because You promised that the work which You have begun in me You will complete. I want so much to "count it all joy" for Your sake. Please, Lord Jesus, help me to rejoice as You continue to work. Help me to be patient as You walk with me on this narrow road to perfection- Your perfection, Lord. I want to be like You... Amen.
My Pleasure,