DNA Evidence
My OBGYN doctor even wanted me to watch a video before my son was born showing a woman having a C-section. I thought to myself, "Are you kidding me? I'm not going to see it as it happens to me, so why should I watch it happen to someone else?" I sat in the room by myself as it played on the television screen. I kept my eyes closed during the whole thing. I never saw one drop of blood.
Blood is the flow of life through our veins- it's our life line.
The blood of Jesus Christ is our life line to the Father. There is no hope of eternal life without the blood of Jesus.
We all need a blood transfusion where our sinful nature is replaced with the holy nature of Jesus Christ. I call it Divine Nature Accessible (DNA). We can have the DNA of Jesus if we will just choose Him to be our LIFE. Then, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can choose to live holy lives. We have a new nature (His nature; His likes and dislikes) living inside of us now.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new" II Corinthians 5:17.
It's like my dad said after his blood transfusion. He said he didn't like watermelon before, but after the transfusion, he loved it! (Only my dad would think of that!)
I love watching CSI: Miami. To find out "Who Done It" requires the criminal's DNA most of the time. If DNA can connect a criminal to a crime, like fingerprints on a coffee cup, then my DNA (Divine Nature Accessible) should connect me to Jesus.
If so, then those with whom I come in contact should be able to identify me with Jesus. Can they? Do they?
Therefore, if we have the DNA of Christ, we should like the things He likes and despise the things that He despises.
Do a DNA check-up today?
As horrific as the cross was, a relationship with Jesus is worth every drop that He spilled for you and for me.
My Pleasure,