Resurrection Wednesday! Go Make Disciples!
As we continue to celebrate, this morning I read through Matthew, Mark and Luke's accounts of the days following the grandest of all events in history, thus far.
What excites me the most is that we, the Church, have been given the awesome responsibility and privilege to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ just like the original twelve!
Just before Jesus ascended to the Father, into heaven, He spoke these words:
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20 NIV
I am so amazed, even as unworthy and incapable as I am of following through with this task, that Christ has chosen me, covered me with grace, and is continuing to pour Himself into me, just like His first disciples.
Through Him, I can make disciples too! His power and His strength are available to me through the Holy Spirit who lives inside of me.
Discipleship begins in the home. Our first and foremost responsibility is to make disciples of our children. Rick and I have taken that call very seriously and, although it is not always easy, it is the most precious parenting job that we have.
Teaching them about Jesus, praying with them and for them, reading God's Word with them, living Jesus in front of (and behind) them, taking them to a Bible-believing, teaching, and discipling church. These are some of the ways we have discipled our children. We aren't perfect parents by any means. We've made many mistakes. And in doing so, we have taught our children how to ask for forgiveness and what it means to say, "I'm sorry." Life mess-ups are teachable moments. Life lessons come from life experiences.
So, as we celebrate this Resurrection Wednesday, let's focus in on our children. They are God's gift to us. He has entrusted them to our care to disciple them by pouring ourselves into them so they can, "Go and make disciples!" I pray that this cycle continues.
My Pleasure,