Think it on Sunday, Post it on Monday: A Rippling Effect
EASTER SUNDAY MORNING- The celebration of all celebrations for Christians! The reason we worship; the reason we hope; the reason we believe; the reason we live!
That Sunday morning began
EASTER is the beginning of the end- It's why Christianity is different from any other religion. We serve a RISEN Savior.
That Sunday morning began
EASTER is the beginning of the end- It's why Christianity is different from any other religion. We serve a RISEN Savior.
Jesus is ALIVE!
Some of my thoughts from yesterday's EASTER message from our Pastor are:
JESUS: The First Fruits- God gave us the best He had to offer-
His only Son
JESUS: The Second Adam- Jesus got it right-
Sinless and walked with God perfectly as a Man
JESUS: The Beginning and the End.
The Alpha and the Omega.
The Resurrection Power is Eternal! It has an eternal rippling effect that will never end. Every person who desires and believes in Jesus Christ, chooses Him as Lord of their life, can have the Resurrection Power transform them. The power to have new life didn't go away when Jesus ascended to the Father. He is with us in the form of the Holy Spirit now and the Spirit has the power to transform us and change everything- death to life, sinful to holy, condemned to freedom, unrighteous to righteous,...
How has the Resurrection changed you? What difference is it making in how you are doing life today? It may have been Resurrection Sunday yesterday, but today should be Resurrection Monday and tomorrow should be Resurrection Tuesday, etc.
Don't let the sun go down on this day without
allowing the God of the universe to transform your life.
Take that first step of faith into the water.
The eternal rippling effect of Jesus is waiting
to wash over you and to make you brand new!
I Corinthians 15:10 says,
"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect."
NIV (bolded for emphasis)
My Pleasure,