A Refresher of Hearts
Have you ever thought of yourself as a "refresher"? Me either; until I started writing this study.
Our assignment for the next two weeks is to refresh the heart of someone.
Our assignment for the next two weeks is to refresh the heart of someone.
My pastor's wife, Kelly.
The first person's heart I'm choosing to refresh is the wife of my pastor and mother to Emma Grace. Kelly has become a good friend and also is a contributing writer for Living Real magazine and one of the speakers for our Living Real conferences. She works outside the home as a TV anchor for the noon show at WIS television. She has one of the hardest jobs there is... being a pastor's wife.
To refresh someone's heart is to do something that will energize their spirit, to restore joy, extend love. It's a gift of encouragment to help them stay focused on their God designed purpose.
Kelly's responsibility is to be the best wife to our pastor that she can be, and to be the best mother she can possibly be. To fulfill her purpose, Kelly has to keep her eyes and heart fixed on Jesus Christ. So, this week, I will seek to be a refresher to the heart of a wife, a mother, and a friend... Kelly Coakley.
Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the Refresher! He refreshes our souls every day through His presence in our lives and through His mercies which are new every morning. He wants to be our Refresher today. All we have to do is let Him.
I'm borrowing a Scripture that my friend used today on her blog. Thank you, Susan. www.susanssittingroom.blogspot.com
"Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away,
in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord."
(Acts 3:19 NASB)
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please refresh my soul today. Speak to my heart and strengthen my spirit. Help me to refresh Kelly's heart so she can in turn refresh Eddie's and Emma's hearts. Bless her family and their ministry. Keep Kelly's eyes focused on you.
I love You, Lord. Amen.
My Pleasure,