My Laundry Cathedral
32 years of vacations to the same little beach house, the same week of Father's Day, with the same family. And the deposit is already paid for year number 33.
What a blessing to get away for a week to relax and enjoy some of God's incredible creations- the ocean, the seashore, the sun, etc.- with the ones we love.
What a blessing to get back home and begin the sorting, washing, drying, and folding of laundry-
for the ones we love.
Laundry? A blessing?
What a blessing to get away for a week to relax and enjoy some of God's incredible creations- the ocean, the seashore, the sun, etc.- with the ones we love.
What a blessing to get back home and begin the sorting, washing, drying, and folding of laundry-
for the ones we love.
I could not have said that with such ease before because laundry has always been an endless, tiresome, mundane chore. I've always considered it one of the most boring household jobs there is.
As I have shared previously, I've been reading Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts. I was able to finish the book while soaking up some rays at the beach. Her eucharisteo gratitude attitude which evolves throughout the book, has captured my attention in a way that is very difficult to put into words. Her ability to be completely honest with her readers has a raw, yet tender transparency that is very rare.
One of my favorite analogies that Ann uses to describe her "ah-ha" moments is "the cathedral moment". It's being so filled with wonder at what God is displaying before you that right where you are becomes a cathedral- a place of worship. For in that moment you recognize the awesomeness of His presence, even in the most mundane things, and you praise and worship the Lord Almighty.
So I started thinking that my mundane, laundry room can be a cathedral if I would just view it that way. Each piece of clothing that is thrown in the hamper or onto the floor represents a precious blessing in my life- my husband, my son, my daughter, my own life. Why should I not use this tiny room to give up large thanksgiving (eucharisteo) of praise and blessing to God while I do our laundry? My family is my biggest blessing and I should give heaps of thanks for them among heaps of clothes. And where can I go to do so much for them and pray for them more than in my space of quiet and solitude? My Laundry Cathedral!
In my Laundry Cathedral I reflect on and express eucharisteo for:
-the fun we all had
-the boy and girl that God blessed our marriage union with
-the 32 years that I have been able to go with this incredible family to the same house, same week
-game nights playing Speed Scrabble, Spoons, and Tarnation
-lunch at noon around the same table with the same basic spread
-laughing at Rick and Turner's antics and the pestering of Mimi
-that my boy had the whole week off from his new job
-his job and the great people that he works for
-travel mercies for all of us
-the incredible weather that we experienced
-magnificent art work given by the Creator to tell us AGAIN how much He loves us
See how the laundry room can become a magnificent cathedral- a place of blessing unto the Lord? When you view the heaps of clothes as heaps of blessings, then the laundry room transforms into a sacred place of worship, adoration, and prayer.
What a beautiful sight! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for allowing me to see the gift of laundry!
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (I Thessalonians 5:16-17) NKJV (emphasis mine)
My Pleasure,