A Real Quiet Time- Part 2
Would you rather your wife or husband spend time with you because they want to or because they have to? That's easy; because they want to, right? Think about this. Does Jesus want you to spend time with Him out of duty or desire?
In "A Real Quiet Time- Part 1", we began looking at what a real quiet time is and what one looks like. We concluded that a real quiet time produces real results. Today we want to look at those results a little closer. How do we know real results are being produced?
The "results test" will help you define your time with God as delight or drudgery? We determined that if our quiet time is ritualistic or out of duty, then drudgery is being produced. Guilt and defeat can then take root and the result can be tragic- not having a quiet time at all. But if our quiet time is sincere and desired, then delight is the result.
What do you experience when you miss a scheduled time alone with God? If you experience defeat, then you need to reexamine the quiet time's purpose. Are you spending this time with God because you have to or because you want to? Defeat results from "have to". Disappointment results from "want to". There is a distinct difference. It's a matter of the heart. A quiet time out of guilt is drudgery. A quiet time out of desire is delight. What type of quiet time are you experiencing?
Did you notice that the meditating on the law of the Lord was not assigned a specific amount of time? It says, "he meditates day and night". A quiet time doesn't have to have a beginning and end time! It can last the whole day and into the night! As we live our lives with Christ and His Word at the center, our focus will be on Him all of the time.
God's holy Word is His love letter to us. This should be what we delight in! If reading God's love letter produces drudgery and defeat, then we need to get on our knees and ask God to renew our spirits and refresh our souls to desire Him more than the things of the world. We need to ask Him to search our hearts and bring to the surface the sin that is keeping our delight in Him supressed. Pray through Psalm 51.
REAL RESULTS = Living out, and responding with, the Truth that we're meditating on each and every day!
Hopefully, as you examine your quiet time with the Lord, you will come to the conclusion that desire and delight are what you experience. If not, continue to pray and ask God to give you a sincere desire for Him and His Word. Your quiet times will never be the same as you begin looking forward to them instead of dreading them. Take some time today to "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) You'll be delighted!
My Pleasure,