Think it On Sunday...From Passover to Crossover

When Christ came to earth,
He changed things.

When Christ came to earth,
He improved things. 

When Christ came to earth,
He fulfilled all things!
Our sermon on Sunday was a trip!  Not in a funny way, but a trip through time.  We began with Moses making a request of Pharoah to let the Hebrews go into the wilderness to worship their God, and we ended with The Lord's Supper.  It was a breath-taking journey through history to discover how the Passover began and how the Cross changed everything!  (Powerful, Pastor Eddie!)

Earlier in the service, as the pastor was talking to the children, I was at the piano scribbling on a piece of paper this thought, "Passover/Crossover." 

Many times on Sundays, the Spirit will speak to me through a play on words and/or visuals.  I'm sharing with you the path He took me on during this trip through history.

In the Old Testament, the Passover became a Jewish celebration. It was a way of remembering the plague of death.  When the death angel passed over the homes of those who, by faith, believed that if they splattered the blood of the sacrificial lamb over their doorpost as God directed, they would not experience the death of their first born during the night.  But oh, what horror came to those who did not heed the Word of the Lord.  The angel of death wouldn't pass over but instead plague their homes that night with the death of the first born.  You see, DEATH is the result of sin- not obeying or heeding the warning of the Lord which has been proclaimed.  God had warned and those who believed were saved!

In the New Testament, Jesus steps out of heaven and into the world to become the sacrificial Lamb for the whole world.  His blood was spilled, poured out, and smeared all over the cross; the cross- our doorway into heaven!  DEATH came to the Son of God on our behalf so we wouldn't have to die.  For those who believe, by faith, they will not experience eternal death but will live forevermore; eternal life.  For those who do not believe, death will be the final step into an eternity with no more provision for salvation- only an eternity without God.

The Passover preluded the Crossover!  In the fullness of time, Christ came to earth and became our passover into LIFE. The Cross bridged the gap between us and God. By way of the cross, we can cross over into an eternity with God.  Jesus is the only way to redemption, salvation, and a restored relationship with God, the Father.  Jesus provides the Crossover so we can escape a godless eternity.

Through history in Scripture, God's plan comes with promise and warning:

Promise: "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 

Warning: For the wages of sin is death,

Promise: but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:22-23 NIV)

If we want to be saved from DEATH, then we must choose God's Son.  Real life is only found in Jesus Christ.  And the full life doesn't begin when we cross over into heaven; the full life begins the moment we meet Christ at the cross. The moment we choose LIFE, our God-full eternity begins.

Which eternity have you chosen? I pray you choose to heed God's warning and choose His Promise;  LIFE. I hope to see you there (in heaven) if we don't get a chance to meet here (on earth).

Jesus said, "The thief comes to steal and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." (John 10:10 NIV)

My Pleasure,


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