"What to Wear...from this day forward" is a new Bible study (Living Real Curriculum) I've written dedicated to my daughter as a graduation present. This past summer I attended the She Speaks Conference for the second time, and just like the first time I attended, God spoke very clearly to me as to what I was to do with my writing.
So this past fall instead of teaching a Bible study, I spent my time writing one and, beginning this week, I will have the privilege of teaching it to my daughter's small group at church. I'm truly praying that this will be a time of great spiritual growth for her, as well as, for the girls who participate.
The purpose of this study is to clean out what doesn't fit or flatter and place in our spiritual closets the fashion wear designed by the Master to fit and flatter the Person of Jesus Christ; the Person whom we carry inside our hearts and represent each and every day.
Each lesson will teach about an item, or items, that need to hang in our spiritual closets. As the closet of our hearts is cleaned out and reorganized, the goal is to dress with God's best for spiritual success.
The armor of God in Ephesians 6 is the spiritual wear designed for battle with the enemy. If we're not covered, then Satan can easily attack. When we aren't prepared for battle, we are weak. The enemy loves to defeat God's children. Since he cannot strip us of our salvation, he seeks to steal our joy, distort our reflection of Jesus, and destroy our influence on others for Christ. But when we are prepared for battle with God's armor, we are protected from Satan's antics and destruction in our lives.
In Galatians 5, we discover the spiritual accessories designed by the Master Designer. The fruits of the Spirit add a splash of color and texture to our spiritual wardrobe. Blended with the personality that God has created us with, these priceless accessories cause those around us to take notice; not of us, but taking notice of the Person of Jesus Christ living inside us.
As we go through this study, I hope you'll join me each week as we proceed with a much needed spiritual spring cleaning so we can be all that God has designed us to be as we select "What to Wear... from this day forward".
My Pleasure,