An Act of Kindness, Not So Random
Have you ever been the recipient of a "random act of kindness"? Have you ever extended to someone a "random act of kindness"? I have experienced both. (The gift above is an example of receiving.) But I have to say as I've thought about this, acts of kindness, from a Christian perspective, are not random, but intentional! Being kind is a way of life!
The Fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5 are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. In my Bible study, What to Wear... from this day forward, I describe these "fruits" as accessory items needed to accent our spiritual wardrobes. They accentuate the character of Jesus Christ living in and through us, which causes others to take notice.
So it seems to me if kindness is part of our spiritual fashion to be worn all of the time, then why would we only express it randomly? Kindness should be on display all of the time. But offering up kindness can be hard sometimes, especially when despensed via tough love.
An act of kindness, via tough love, was intentionally served over 50 years ago. When you understand the sovereignty of God, and that He works everything for good according to His purpose, then you'll understand why I view this long ago act as truly kind.
I've always loved telling my story of adoption because of what a wonderful mom and dad God chose for me. I've always understood that being adopted is something very special. That's how I've always been made to feel... celebrated!
My favorite story of the Bible is the story of Moses. He was adopted to accomplish God's plan and purpose for the Israelites. Pharoah's heart was hardened many times as Moses was fulfilling God's call on his life.
God had a plan for my life as well, and through the hardening of a man's heart, the process of adoption began. Whether he realized it or not, God used his not-so-random act of kindness for my best interest, and ultimately, God's glory!
The woman who carried me for nine months reluctantly chose to give me up out of fear. Her husband chose to give me up because I needed a fresh beginning. God chose to place me with my parents because that was His plan all along!
Adoption! What a beautiful picture of God's redemption! When we accept Jesus' very intentional act of kindness, we are adopted into God's family. He gave up His own life for our best interest, and for His Father's glory. God orchestrated His plan of redemption through very difficult circumstances to reveal His grace, mercy, love, forgiveness, joy, and peace.
Because of both intentional acts of kindness, I've been adopted... twice! For both gifts I'll always be grateful.
The man who served the not-so-random act of kindness, passed away last Thursday, February 28, 2013. I never met him, but if I had, I would loved to have said this to him, "Thank you! Thank you for making the hard choice. Your difficult act of kindness gave me a chance to begin life fresh so I could experience and understand the gift of God's amazing grace in a very special and unique way- through adoption!
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans not to harm you, but to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
My Pleasure,