In the Middle of the Mundane, God Shows Up! Gideon - Week 2

Whack! Whack! Whack!

Threshing wheat all day long in the winepress. Hidden from the enemy, the Midianites, Gideon removes the useless and salvages the good. How plain. How boring. How mundane.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

This particular, ordinary day, though, will not stay so ordinary. This day is going to be extraordinary! Why? Because God's presence is going to be acknowledged, His voice heard, and His call accepted!

Gideon will never be the same!

Gideon had no idea when he got up to go to work that day that the Angel of the LORD would make an appearance.  He didn't know that he would hear the voice of God.  He didn't come in to work knowing he would be called to do something extraordinary to bring God glory.  He just came to work like he did every day.  No expectations. No hope of escaping the enemy's grip. Just another day.

Labeled the least in his family, Gideon is unaware that the Angel is even in the room.  It's not until the angel appears and then speaks to Gideon that he realizes someone is there. 

Read Judges 6:11-27.

The last place anyone expects God to make Himself known is in the ordinary, mundane, routine of the daily. But this is where God wants to meet with us - in our daily, mundane, ordinary lives.

Most times, when God has made His presence known to heroes and heroines of the faith, He has done so in ordinary places as they were doing ordinary things.

  • God called Moses while he was tending the flock of Jethro. (Exodus 3)
  • God called Samuel while he was sleeping. (1 Samuel 3)
  • God called Mary after she came in from her daily chores. (Luke 1:26-38)
  • God called Joseph (Jesus' earthly father) while he was sleeping. (Matthew 1:18-25)
  • The angels announced Christ's birth to the shepherds in the field while they were watching their flocks. (Luke 2:18-20)
  • Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman while she was drawing water from the well. (John 4:5-25)

Being aware of God's presence is what 
takes the ordinary to extraordinary!
Many have been called right in the middle of their mundane.

What are you doing today that's routine? The laundry, work, feeding the dog, school, homework, cooking, cleaning, sitting at the same desk in the same office, performing the same tasks?

Stay alert! God is with you and wants to turn your ordinary into something extraordinary. He wants to meet with you.  He desires your full, devoted attention. With your spiritual eyes open and your spiritual ears perked, look for Him and listen to His voice. He has something especially designed just for you to do. Don't miss Him!

My Pleasure,


Less Was Best! Gideon - Week 3


Just Getting Started...Gideon - Week 1