Brand-Spankin' New
Don't you love the feel and smell of a brand-spankin' new car? The leather seats firm with no indentions. The carpet, dirt free. No fingerprints on the windows or dashboard. It has the look and smell that only a new car has...fresh and untouched. But if we never get in it, or drive it, we would never really experience the joy that it offers.
Today began just as a brand-spankin' new car...fresh and untouched.
I woke up with a clean slate, nothing on the to-do list. No conversations to rattle my mood, and even the rain was a welcomed blessing. No dents or fingerprints on the day yet, just me and my sweetie anticipating enjoying this day together. Then reality set in...
"I have to get up. My sweet husband is spending the whole day with me. He's taking our daughter's car to the body shop and then taking me out for breakfast. Later in the day, he's taking me to a movie. I have to go pick him up. He's waiting on me at the body shop. I have to get the day started. NO...not yet! My warm covers are holding me as securely as the swaddling cloths held the Christmas baby. I don't want to get up yet....!"
I could have rolled over and gone right back to sleep, but I also would not have had a happy husband who desired to spend the whole day with me either. A special gift would have been missed if I had given in to my selfishness and my warm, cozy bed. The joy that awaited me would have never come.
Isn't that what happens many times when we think the way we want things is better than what God has planned for us? If we settle for our comfortable rut, never experience anything new, and never step out to see what God has for us, oh, the joy we would miss!
This new day, as fresh and untouched as it was, had to begin. It had to be touched, felt, experienced.
I had to get up. I had responsibilities. But more importantly, I wanted to live this day with and for my Lord, Jesus Christ. I wanted to go on the adventures He had designed for me and me only. I wanted Him to show me how faithful He is, how strong He is, how much He loves me. I wanted to worship Him with my life today. I wanted to look for and take the opportunities He would give me to share Him with others today. I wanted our relationship to deepen today.
So, at the end of today, I will reflect on the wonderful God I love and serve. We will talk over the day and what we did together; the places we went, the people we saw, the words He spoke to me through His Word, the songs we sang, the adventures we had, the love we shared. Just as I began the day with Jesus, I will end it with Him, and anticipate the adventures of tomorrow as I drift off to sleep tonight.
What are you waiting for? Get up! Jesus is waiting to spend the whole day with you, too!
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." (Psalm 91:1-2 NIV)
My Pleasure,