Squeaky Clean or Spotless?
Which house would you rather live in? One that is squeaky-clean or one that's spotless ?
A squeaky-clean house has absolutely no dirt, grime, dust, etc. It's so clean you could eat off the floors- a house where nothing can be touched or enjoyed. Life is null and void.
A spotless house is one that has its share of dirt, grime, dust, etc., but it's cleaned along the way. It is full of life. People live here and enjoy living.
As I talk to, listen to, and observe people, many seem to be wearing themselves out striving for squeaky-cleanness.
They're working so hard at being good enough, loved, accepted, appreciated, and admired, that they're missing out on experiencing the real joy of living as God intended.
Squeaky-clean living is not really living at all. It's all about trying to measure up to the expectations of people we think we must live up to and those we think God has placed on us too. An impossible task!
Spotless living is all about giving Jesus, the One who meets all of God's requirements, the freedom to live in and through us.
What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! precious is the flow that makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
(Hymn, Nothing But the Blood, words and music by Robert Lowry)
Jesus doesn't require us to do the cleaning. Thank You, Jesus! He wants us to let Him make us spotless. He has already done the hard work for us! We could never do enough to be good enough, perfect enough, or clean enough for God on our own merit. It's only because of Christ, the cross, His blood, and His righteousness that we are clean and have the power to live clean lives.
"Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins." Hebrews 9:22 NIV
Knowing Jesus through a personal relationship, we are robed with His righteousness. When the Father looks at us, He doesn't see our sinfulness- He sees His perfect Son, the spotless Lamb of God.
Wow! That sure takes a load off.
"Thank You, Jesus, for loving me with a love beyond words and making me spotless before the Father. I love living life with You; me in You, and You in me. Spotless living is how I want to live. Clean and free to be what You want me to be. Full of joy and worry free. Resting in and relying totally on Your strength, Your power and Your grace - moment by moment. Amen."
My Pleasure,
A squeaky-clean house has absolutely no dirt, grime, dust, etc. It's so clean you could eat off the floors- a house where nothing can be touched or enjoyed. Life is null and void.
A spotless house is one that has its share of dirt, grime, dust, etc., but it's cleaned along the way. It is full of life. People live here and enjoy living.
As I talk to, listen to, and observe people, many seem to be wearing themselves out striving for squeaky-cleanness.
They're working so hard at being good enough, loved, accepted, appreciated, and admired, that they're missing out on experiencing the real joy of living as God intended.
Squeaky-clean living is not really living at all. It's all about trying to measure up to the expectations of people we think we must live up to and those we think God has placed on us too. An impossible task!
Spotless living is all about giving Jesus, the One who meets all of God's requirements, the freedom to live in and through us.
What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! precious is the flow that makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
(Hymn, Nothing But the Blood, words and music by Robert Lowry)
Jesus doesn't require us to do the cleaning. Thank You, Jesus! He wants us to let Him make us spotless. He has already done the hard work for us! We could never do enough to be good enough, perfect enough, or clean enough for God on our own merit. It's only because of Christ, the cross, His blood, and His righteousness that we are clean and have the power to live clean lives.
"Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins." Hebrews 9:22 NIV
Knowing Jesus through a personal relationship, we are robed with His righteousness. When the Father looks at us, He doesn't see our sinfulness- He sees His perfect Son, the spotless Lamb of God.
Wow! That sure takes a load off.
"Thank You, Jesus, for loving me with a love beyond words and making me spotless before the Father. I love living life with You; me in You, and You in me. Spotless living is how I want to live. Clean and free to be what You want me to be. Full of joy and worry free. Resting in and relying totally on Your strength, Your power and Your grace - moment by moment. Amen."
My Pleasure,