Winners Announced Today!

What have I been up to?

                        Taking banjo lessons!

I got a banjo when I was 15 or so, took some lessons and was able to play pretty well. Now I'm 51 and I'm trying again.

It's not quite so easy this time, but I'm sticking with it for a while anyway.  Don't ask me to play for you any time soon. I've only had 3 lessons. I've got the grinnin' down, but not the pickin' as well yet.

Congratulations to the winners who guessed correctly what I've been up to:

1st prize: Melissa Hanna, $25 Starbucks Gift Card

2nd prize: Donna Edge, a book, The Waiting by Cathy Lagrow

3rd prize: Joyce Wagster, a Living Real magazine long sleeve t-shirt

Thanks to all who participated! Have a wonderful Labor Day!

My Pleasure,

Leadership Lessons From a Football Movie and a Book


What Is She Up To? Clue #4