An Amazing View
I just finished hanging the word Eucharisteo across my kitchen window. "Why...", you may be wondering, "would you hang that in the window?"
Well, for two reasons. First, to hopefully spark conversations, and second, to remind me to focus on the view God has placed right in front of me throughout my day.
Eucharisteo has become a very important word in my life over the past three years, as well as in the lives of many across the globe all because of one woman's obedience in writing a book with this as the theme. (One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.)
Voskamp breaks the word apart explaining that charis means grace; Eucharisteo means thanksgiving; chara means joy. When we return thanks back to God, we are grace-full, joy-full and thanks-full all at the same time. Just as Jesus was at His last meal on earth.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
On the night before the Word was about to be broken and spilled out, Jesus gave joy-filled and grace-filled thanks for the bread (representing His own body) and the wine (representing His precious blood), knowing what was in His immediate future; a horrific death on a cross as the sins of the world would be placed on Him. He gave thanks for His divine purpose in stepping out of the glory of heaven to come to earth so He could bring His Heavenly Father the most glory, by becoming our sacrificial Lamb.
Eucharisteo has been seared into my mind and has affected the way I think about life, death, and what it truly means to be thankful to God in all things and for all things.
The Eucharist is what Christians receive during Communion, the Lord's Supper. It's a representation of Christ's body and His blood, willingly poured out because of God's unconditional, deep love for all mankind. A sacrifice beyond compare, Jesus, the Word, the Son of God, paid the ultimate price to set us free from the chains of our sin. He died for all. He rose again for all. Jesus is our all in all.
Amazing. Grace.
Eucharisteo reminds us to be alert and grateful, and not just for those things we deem good, but being consciously aware of the good blessings, the joy in all things, even in death, just as Jesus did.
For in all things God is working for our good because He is good.
He's working in the obvious and the not so obvious.
He's working in the hard of life, the simple, and everything in between.
When we begin to examine life through the amazing lens of Eucharisteo, our view of God expands, becoming more vast, more grand, and more glorious than ever imagined.
My Pleasure,
Well, for two reasons. First, to hopefully spark conversations, and second, to remind me to focus on the view God has placed right in front of me throughout my day.
Eucharisteo has become a very important word in my life over the past three years, as well as in the lives of many across the globe all because of one woman's obedience in writing a book with this as the theme. (One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.)
Voskamp breaks the word apart explaining that charis means grace; Eucharisteo means thanksgiving; chara means joy. When we return thanks back to God, we are grace-full, joy-full and thanks-full all at the same time. Just as Jesus was at His last meal on earth.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
On the night before the Word was about to be broken and spilled out, Jesus gave joy-filled and grace-filled thanks for the bread (representing His own body) and the wine (representing His precious blood), knowing what was in His immediate future; a horrific death on a cross as the sins of the world would be placed on Him. He gave thanks for His divine purpose in stepping out of the glory of heaven to come to earth so He could bring His Heavenly Father the most glory, by becoming our sacrificial Lamb.
Eucharisteo has been seared into my mind and has affected the way I think about life, death, and what it truly means to be thankful to God in all things and for all things.
The Eucharist is what Christians receive during Communion, the Lord's Supper. It's a representation of Christ's body and His blood, willingly poured out because of God's unconditional, deep love for all mankind. A sacrifice beyond compare, Jesus, the Word, the Son of God, paid the ultimate price to set us free from the chains of our sin. He died for all. He rose again for all. Jesus is our all in all.
Amazing. Grace.
Eucharisteo reminds us to be alert and grateful, and not just for those things we deem good, but being consciously aware of the good blessings, the joy in all things, even in death, just as Jesus did.
For in all things God is working for our good because He is good.
He's working in the obvious and the not so obvious.
He's working in the hard of life, the simple, and everything in between.
When we begin to examine life through the amazing lens of Eucharisteo, our view of God expands, becoming more vast, more grand, and more glorious than ever imagined.
My Pleasure,