November Sacrifice
But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? (I Samuel 15:22a)
Our pastor challenges us every year to sacrifice something during the month of November as we move toward our Thanks Service.
I've been thinking about this for weeks and praying about what I should give up. Some people give up sweets, some give up soft drinks, some give up fast food, etc. Most sacrifices seem to be related to physical health.
The day after Easter, I gave up bad eating choices because I really needed to lose some weight, and I asked God to help me do it. He has helped me and I've lost 16-18 pounds.
To me, this was a common sense sacrifice; one I could not do in my own strength, but one that would benefit my physical health.
I'll confess that I haven't "sacrificed" anything in particular during the month of November since our pastor began the November challenge four years ago. I cannot sacrifice for sacrifice sake. I need to hear from the Holy Spirit when I need to give something up. I'm led to sacrifice something I don't need through God revealing what I do need from Him.
My answer is clear.
This month, I need to spend more time with Him. To do that, I need to sacrifice something that is an unnecessary distraction. So, I'm sacrificing Facebook.
"To obey is greater than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams." (I Samuel 15:22b)
Sacrificing something I don't need in order to gain something I do need is why obedience is better than sacrifice.
This month I hope to accomplish something that I believe I'm suppose to start. It blends together the spiritual gifts of encouragement and hospitality into one project.
Listening intently to the Spirit's voice through prayer and time in the Word is what I need to do this month. As I move forward in obedience with this project, I covet your prayers.
Of course, I'll keep you posted. (But not on FB!)
My Pleasure,