What Is Your Soul Craving in 2015?
Like newborn babies, crave spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. (I Peter 2:2-3 NIV)
I love to peruse the Christian bookstores for a new devotional book to help start my year off on the right foot. Although a devotional book does not take the place of the Bible, it does help drive me to the Word and gives me something to chew on all day long. It helps me to stop, be still, and know Him more. A daily devotional also helps me stay on track.
There are tons of books, blogs, and websites out there designed to help us grow in our relationship with Christ, but nothing satisfies our spiritual craving like the pure Word of God which reveals, in innumerable layers, God's character; His goodness, His faithfulness, His unconditional, indescribable love, etc...
Why does Peter tell us to crave pure spiritual milk like newborn babies? Newborns cry out when they're hungry for their milk. We should crave the milk of the Word so much that if necessary, we would let out a curdling cry for our souls to be satisfied.
Peter understood that we who have tasted that the Lord is good will crave more of Him and His goodness. Then, as we continue to drink in more and more milk of the Word, we will continue to grow up in our salvation. And isn't that the goal, to grow up in Christ?
We need nourishment every day to sustain our physical bodies, and we need spiritual nourishment every day to live our lives as God intended; filled to the brim, and even overflowing, with His hope, His joy, His peace, and His love.
I'm craving God's Word in 2015. How about you? It is the ONLY way I get filled up. I want to be filled to overflowing measures with my Jesus, so as I fill, I spill out Jesus onto those He places in my path every single day.
I know we'll never learn everything there is to know about God, but as He peels back the layers of His Word and we learn more and more about Him, we can't help but grow deeper in love with Him. Then, the more we taste of His goodness, the more we will desire the pure pleasure He provides our spiritual taste buds, ultimately, glorifying Him more with our lives.
Is your soul craving more today? Soothe it with the pure Word of God.
My Pleasure,