Letting Go So She Can Go
The toughest part of being a parent is dealing with the resistance to letting your child go; go to daycare, go to school, go spend the night with a friend, go on a date, go drive a car, go off to college, go on a far away mission trip.
It's just natural to want to hold on to someone that you've poured your heart and soul into their whole life. Birthing, loving, feeding, hugging, kissing, playing, teaching, disciplining, training, and praying for them to be all God wants them to be.
Our baby girl, who is really a grown-up girl at age 20, just informed her dad and me that she wants to go to Kampala, Uganda. The place where her best friend, McKinsey, wanted to return to put down roots while planting the Gospel into the hearts of a people she had come to love so deeply.
But, since McKinsey will not be returning, Madi wants to go.
I'm beyond words in describing the absolute thrill for her that I feel, but I'm also torn with letting her go so far away. She has never even flown on an airplane, much less been out of the country.
But, that's our amazing God at work in her life and in mine.
Through the death of her best friend, He's planted in her heart a desire to go,
and He's helping me to
let. her. go.
McKinsey's mom, Amy, will be traveling with Madison and I couldn't be happier for the two of them to take this trip together. If all goes well, and enough money is raised, she will board a plane in July along with two more friends to take this journey of a lifetime.
We who have said, "Yes"to Jesus are told to "Go."
Read Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus commissions His disciples to...
Go into all the world.
Go make disciples.
Go baptize.
Go teach.
Go in My name.
Go in My power.
Go with Me.
No matter who we are, in Christ, we have all been called to go with Him in obedience.
This mom has not been given a desire to go to the other side of the world, but I have been called to trust that, the God who gave me the privilege of being Madison's mom and to Whom I've prayed for her to be the woman of God He has designed her to be, will take care of her.
I have been called to...
Let go
So she can go
With Him.
Lord, help me to trust You in taking this next big step, not only in Madison's life, but in mine. We both love You with all we are and want to serve You with all we are so we can become all You desire for us to be. I know that the fullness of joy comes in our obedience to You. Help us to live obediently wherever you call us to go. In Jesus' name, Amen.
My Pleasure,