Sunday Scribbles : Bumfuzzled and Baffled
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the people of First Baptist Elloree, SC. The conversation style sermon series the pastor had invited me to join was a very worthwhile experience and one I learned and grew from. I so appreciate all of you who prayed for me.
But, I was quite bumfuzzled when the pastor told me, and also his congregation, that I was way more prepared for my "Conversation" in his four week sermon series than any of the other guests that had preceded me. Really?
We're watching a society and world where Romans 1 is unfolding right before our eyes. We're living in an exciting time in history as we remain alert and await the return of Christ, but spiritual leaders must take spiritual matters seriously to help the Church prepare for His arrival.
It baffles me to think that possibly some in leadership positions would consider glossing over the hours needed for preparation so as to not misspeak or mishandle the truth of God's Word, begging God to help them speak His truth with grace and wisdom, seasoned with salt, or even asking others to pray for them.
The Church is facing some serious crossroads and we need to wrap all we do in love, bathe everything in prayer, be wise with our words, be knowledgeable of the Word, prepared and ready to stand on Truth alone as well as be ready to die for Truth alone.
We are not given spiritual and natural gifts just to let them lie dormant. Our days were ordained for us before we were even born. (Psalm 139) We are but a breath in the eternal existence of God Almighty. We don't have time to mess around and mishandle our responsibilities. Flippant attitudes hurt the heart of God.
As leaders, we are held to a higher standard because of the sphere of influence God has entrusted us with. Until we recognize the significance of our purpose in God's Grand Story of Redemption, we will continue to be lackadaisical in our efforts to fulfill our purposes, shrugging off our responsibilities, misleading those placed under our watch, and ineffective for the kingdom.
It's past time to step it up. It's past time for Church leadership to dig in and truly lead God's people in the path of righteousness. It's past time for us to be in the trenches battling for the hearts and souls of God's people so they are challenged to fulfill their purposes as well within the Body of Christ.
It's past time to let go of the insanity of what isn't working, and get back to the truth of God's Word, preaching it unapologetically, proclaiming Christ and Christ alone, and holding all leadership to a standard of Scriptural accountability that lines up with character, integrity and Christlikeness.
The hearts of people are crying out for real spiritual leaders to lead real spiritual lives. Every time we are given the opportunity to speak, teach, lead, evangelize, disciple, mentor, etc... it's a BIG deal in the eyes of Christ. No appointment should be taken lightly. No one plays a tiny role, and no role is valued less than another's in the Body of Believers.
If the Church is going to infect our godless society with the holiness of Christ, we have to be committed to walk by faith, to live by faith, and to grow up in our faith. Our job as spiritual leaders is to lead by example, and our Example is Jesus Christ.
My Pleasure,