Thirst Quenching Thursdays
It's rainy and dreary and cold. Just the way I like it somedays. Starting something new seems just the thing to do.
In the world of blogging, many bloggers use catchy titles for a particular day of the week in which they consistently put out content for their readers. For example, Musing Mondays or Worshipful Wednesdays.
One of my titles is Sunday Scribbles for sharing a truth nugget discovered in a sermon, a Sunday School lesson, or gathered from a study I'm working on.
So on this cloud-covered Thursday, I thought it would be innovative to choose another day of the week for initiating Christ-centered conversation and satisfying a spiritual thirst with the Word.
Thirst Quenching Thursdays.
What do Thursdays mean for you?
Thursday is the first day in the week where I have the whole day to do my own thing. I try not to preplan or schedule because I love spontaneity. I can go for a walk, have lunch with a friend, meet someone else for coffee, write, study, stay in my pjs all day, or whatever I choose.
So far today, I slept a little late, had my hair cut and colored, finished a book, met hubby for lunch a washed some bath rugs, and did some writing.
It's not the beginning of the week (Monday), nor the end (Friday), nor the halfway mark (Wednesday). It is a day all to itself with no preconceived notions.
For our Savior, Thursday was a day of emptying in preparation for the moment of reconciliation between us and the Father.
Thursday was a precursor for the cross.
It was on Thursday when Jesus served His disciples the Last Supper. As He spoke about the bread and wine, He spoke of His body which would be broken and His blood that would be poured out for the sins of all mankind. It was the last time He would demonstrate with the disciples what a true servant's heart looks like as He humbled Himself to wash their dirty, crusty feet.
Later that Thursday evening, in the Garden of Gethsemane, prior to His arrest, Jesus emptied Himself before His Father in heart-wrenching prayers of despair, pleading with His Father that if there was any other way, to please make a way.
Through tears and blood-drops of grief, Jesus surrendered His will to His Father's will, got up from His knees, and never looked back.
Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God (1 Peter 4:1-2 NKJV).
Hope to see you back next Thursday for more thirst quenching!
My Pleasure,
In the world of blogging, many bloggers use catchy titles for a particular day of the week in which they consistently put out content for their readers. For example, Musing Mondays or Worshipful Wednesdays.
One of my titles is Sunday Scribbles for sharing a truth nugget discovered in a sermon, a Sunday School lesson, or gathered from a study I'm working on.
So on this cloud-covered Thursday, I thought it would be innovative to choose another day of the week for initiating Christ-centered conversation and satisfying a spiritual thirst with the Word.
Thirst Quenching Thursdays.
What do Thursdays mean for you?
Thursday is the first day in the week where I have the whole day to do my own thing. I try not to preplan or schedule because I love spontaneity. I can go for a walk, have lunch with a friend, meet someone else for coffee, write, study, stay in my pjs all day, or whatever I choose.
So far today, I slept a little late, had my hair cut and colored, finished a book, met hubby for lunch a washed some bath rugs, and did some writing.
It's not the beginning of the week (Monday), nor the end (Friday), nor the halfway mark (Wednesday). It is a day all to itself with no preconceived notions.
For our Savior, Thursday was a day of emptying in preparation for the moment of reconciliation between us and the Father.
Thursday was a precursor for the cross.
It was on Thursday when Jesus served His disciples the Last Supper. As He spoke about the bread and wine, He spoke of His body which would be broken and His blood that would be poured out for the sins of all mankind. It was the last time He would demonstrate with the disciples what a true servant's heart looks like as He humbled Himself to wash their dirty, crusty feet.
Later that Thursday evening, in the Garden of Gethsemane, prior to His arrest, Jesus emptied Himself before His Father in heart-wrenching prayers of despair, pleading with His Father that if there was any other way, to please make a way.
Through tears and blood-drops of grief, Jesus surrendered His will to His Father's will, got up from His knees, and never looked back.
Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God (1 Peter 4:1-2 NKJV).
Hope to see you back next Thursday for more thirst quenching!
My Pleasure,