Thirst Quenching Thursday: God's Networking Strategies Can't Be Beat!
God tailors everyday adventures for us to take along with Him. Some days we're all in, other days we miss the boat. But on the days we say, "Take me with You!," we better hang on. His adventures can take our breath away!
Who knew that 13 months ago when my daughter's best friend was killed in a freak, single car crash, that her life's mission and connection to Kampala, Uganda would continue to play out at my breakfast table this morning?
Who knew 15 months ago when McKinsey sat on our couch and shared with Rick and me her desire to move to the other side of the world that the conversation would continue in our den today?
Who knew?
God knew.
I was honored and humbled to welcome into our home this morning, along with McKinsey's mom and aunt, her African Mum, Desire. If Kin's hadn't moved to heaven first, she would be planning her move to Kampala. Desire would have been her protector, mentor, and life-long friend. Instead, she has become Kinsey's mom's sister in Christ and forever friend.
This precious, radiant, humble mother of 4, pastor, and now my new, sweet friend and sister in Christ, sat at my table to fellowship with me from the other side of the globe in true southern style. (Yes, she ate and liked my crock-pot grits.) Someone I would never have connected with on earth if it weren't for our "other daughter" and God's amazing strategies in networking His children together for His glory.
Yep, you will miss out if you're not all in.
Every. Single. Day.
Last Thursday evening, Madison, Rick and I were introduced to Desire Julia Barugahare for the first time. Talking and getting to know one another through our family stories took us to another level of connecting. Her first two children are biological, but her younger two are adopted. That always makes my heart smile - connecting through the thread of adoption.
As she asked me questions about my experience of being adopted and how that had affected my life, tears spilled down her cheeks. She had only been fed negative thoughts and warned by those who don't know our God, of how difficult it would be to raise children from unimaginable situations. She told me today that she latched on to the fact that, "You are whole, not broken - full of joy, not anger - and deeply in love with Jesus Christ." She so desires for her children to know the joy of Jesus and love Him so deeply that they will pass on their stories of redeeming love, not only through physically adopted eyes, but spiritual ones.
I get chills just thinking about how intricately God works and weaves our stories and lives together. This past Easter Sunday, March 27, was my Adopted Day - a day of celebration in our family. My parents have moved to heaven now, so they aren't here on this earth to celebrate with anymore. But through God's divine networking, He gave me a new family with whom I could celebrate this year, passing my story on to encourage them in theirs.
Again! Amazed and dazed at the intricate details God pays attention to for us to truly "get Him" - to see His glory displayed through His adopted, chosen ones.
I wish I could listen as Desire shares my letters with her two who were selected, not expected. But through Skype, maybe I'll get to meet these precious children God connected me to through the thread of adoption.
Who has God networked into your life this week? How have you seen God's glory displayed through your life's tapestry? Watch Him tediously thread your story with others. Tell Him you want to be all in with Him on the adventures He has for you. I promise you won't regret it.
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an heir of God through Christ (Galatians 4:4-7 NKJV).
My Pleasure,