What Really Matters
"I have to be willing for you to not like me very much for the sake for the Gospel." - Dr. Don Wilton
As Dr. Wilton, pastor from First Baptist Spartanburg, SC concluded his teaching on "Things That Really Matter" at the Living Real Conference, jaws were dropped, ears were begging for more, and eyes were glued to this humble man. He not only proclaimed Biblical truth to us from Acts 3-4 powerfully and unashamedly, but Jesus illuminated from deep inside him. Wilton emphasized how we must pay attention to the things that really matter, and not worry about what other people think, but let the Spirit do its work in us and through us for Jesus' sake.
In Acts 3, Peter was not only keenly aware of the moments he was called to reveal the glory of God, but he took action when those moments arrived.
The crippled man who sat at the temple gate at the same place and the same time every day taught us the power of one.
- One Day: Peter recognized that what really matters is who God puts in front of us today.
- One Man: Peter saw the one; the one who came to the temple gate at this specific time every day because of a need.
- One Truth: Peter didn't have money, but he knew the Truth and the power of the Truth, so he gave what he had to the man in need. He said, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!" (Acts 3:6)
- One Change: This one man's life was transformed because of one man's keen awareness.
- One Impact: The impact of one's obedience had a ripple effect throughout the crowd, the town, the first Christians, and even continues today.
- One Response: Through one man's obedience, one responded. The one believed and was healed. As he worshiped and praised God, the people were filled with wonder and amazement.
When we do what God has created and purposed us to do, it will never be in vain. Concentrating on what really matters should be our focus every day.
What really matters?
What really matters is what really matters to God; loving and knowing Him, loving people, and being Jesus in the world.
I've chewed on the truth of "ones" spoken by Dr. Wilton for several days and this is some of my take-away:
- One Day: Today is my one day to focus on the task at hand.
- One Man: God has placed at least one person in my path to minister to today.
- One Truth: In the name of Jesus, God's power can heal, restore, and redeem.
- One Change: God can transform one life through my obedience to the One Savior today.
- One Impact: Taking one risk on one person can be contagious as God's glory is displayed.
- One Response: Believe that God is who He says He is, and faith walking with Him daily will cause others to believe, wonder, and be amazed.
How about you? What's your take-way? Are you aware of this one day you've been given? Have you been focusing on what really matters? Has your obedience caused one to believe and left others in awe of God?
My prayer is that through our uniquely Master-designed callings, no matter what that looks like, that we will all have one focus...
knowing, loving and being obedient to the One who knows the number of our "one" days.
And leaping up he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God, and recognized him as the one who sat at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, asking for alms. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him (Acts 3:10b ESV).
What really matters is Jesus!
My Pleasure,