Friendship: Let's Get Acquainted (Part 3)
Hi. I'm Melanie.
Isn't this how most friendships begin?
We may have introduced ourselves to a complete stranger, or someone else may have done the honors, but either way, friendships begin with a simple greeting.
Through my past two blog posts on Friendship, we've uncovered the different levels of friendships we develop through the journey of life. From our inner circle of intimate friends to our casual friendships, and today, acquaintances - the level of just getting started.
Do you remember how you and your very best friend met? Where did you meet her? At a party, a friend's house, a wedding, a bridal shower, at school, through church? Were you introduced through mutual friends, or did one of you just go for it and introduce yourself?
Though it's interesting to trace our steps back to the beginning of where and how our friendships began, it's amazing to also see how God orchestrates the intersecting of His people, weaving them in and out of our lives at just the right times.
Every acquaintance is a potential friend.
Just as with deeper levels of friendships, with acquaintances we must also be cautious and intentional. You can never be too careful when being introduced to new people, even in the church. We must learn and pray for discernment. It can be tricky, but God will help us when selecting and making friends, especially the life-long kind.
Jesus was introduced to many people as He traveled from town to town. One of my favorite encounters is when He meets Zacchaeus - a small frame of a man who wanted desperately to get a glimpse of Jesus as He came through his town. Since he couldn't see over the heads of those pushing there way towards Jesus, Zach ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a sycamore tree to see the Messiah. And you know what? Jesus noticed. He called Zach down from the tree because He saw something in Zacchaeus others did not. The Messiah intentionally chose to go to Zacchaeus' house to break bread with him, his family and friends. (See Luke 19 for the whole account.)
Jesus saw his faith.
Jesus saw his heart turn.
Jesus saved him.
Though Zacchaeus didn't make the earthly inner circle of the Savior, he did make it into the Kingdom of God because of his faith in the Savior.
Acquaintances can be believers, but much of the time they are not.
Jesus chose to mingle among unbelievers because they needed Him the most. Our acquaintances need Him too, and we have the privilege and are called to share Christ with them if we are discerning, alert, and intentional. We may only get one chance, so we must be keenly aware of every opportunity to introduce others to our very best Friend - Jesus.
The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear [honor, are in awe of and reverence] Him, and He makes known to them His covenant (Psalm 25:14 ESV).
But, if our acquaintances are causing us to pull away from Christ, then it's time to close that door and move on to the next. Don't linger.
Most of our acquaintances won't move into our earthly inner circles, but by grace through faith, if they choose Christ, we will be together for all eternity.
And after all, aren't those the best kind of friendships? Eternal ones?
Dear Jesus,
I am forever grateful for the acquaintances in my life who have become some of my very best friends, and those who are my inner circle. Thank You for the joy of friends. The gift of friendship that stands the test of time is what You have provided to encourage us in our walks with You, to challenge us to go deeper with You, to draw us back to You when we've strayed, and to love us through the highs and lows of life. You, Jesus, are my very best Friend and I'm so thankful for our relationship - one that will live on throughout eternity. Help me be a friend like You.
For Jesus' sake and in His holy name, Amen.
My Pleasure,