Got Storm? Stay Calm and Sail On
A few days ago I was reading in my new favorite devotional book, Dwelling Places by Lucinda Secrest McDowell. Her word selection for that day was Still.
This past week with all of the horrendous events around the globe and here at home, I'm reminded again to still; to not get caught up in the media frenzy as a depth of evil I've not witnessed before plays out right before my eyes - over and over again.
As fierce storms rage and breath-taking fear overwhelms, God's call to His people is to calm down.
Like the story of the boat filled with Jesus' disciples sailing straight into a mighty storm.
Read the whole account. Mark 6:45-52.
Jesus sent His disciples on ahead to the other side of the lake. He knew the storm was brewing, but He sent them anyway. It was time for them to experience a strong, dangerous storm to refine their vision. He needed for them to recognize Him in the storm, away from the multitudes.
This vision and recognition was specifically designed for those closest to Him.
And, as His disciples today, we need our storm vision refined too.
In every storm I've personally sailed into, God knew it was coming. He knew how the blistering, raining down of hard circumstances would bring me to grips with who He really is and challenge the roots of my faith. And I'm forever grateful. My faith has increased, my understanding of who He is has deepened, and my level of fear has drastically diminished.
We're inside of a terrible storm right now. But, while the thunderous world pounds in our ears, the strikes of hurt and pain gnaw at our souls, and the winds of senseless chatter cloud our minds, God is calling out to those who are closest to Him, His disciples, "Do not be afraid."
To those of us who know His voice, He's calling us to still in the calm of His presence.
I am here. I know what's going on in and around this cruel world. And, I also know how it all ends. Remember, I've already won the victory over sin through my Son, Jesus. Justice will be served. Evil will perish. Righteousness will prevail. But to get there sweet one, we must go through the storms. I AM with you through them all. I love you more than you could ever know, My child. Stay calm. There is absolutely nothing to fear.
Every generation marches closer to the final prophecies of Scripture being fulfilled. The Father has already established the exact moment in time when the page will turn, signaling the final chapter of His Redeeming Love. But, in the meantime, He is full of patience, loves perfectly and does not desire that any should perish.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16, emphasis mine).
When we still in His presence, He reminds us of where our strength to endure comes from; the Root, Jesus Christ- from where all that is good and perfect and sacred flows.
Today, as I still, I wanted to share this bit of Good News with you. Christ is calling out to all of us who are listening to remember that He is God...
ahead of,
in the midst of,
and on the other side of.
Got storm?
Stay calm and sail on.
My Pleasure,