The Heartbeat of Home
Why spend one evening a week with five precious high school girls? Because the heartbeat of our home is seeking to make Christ famous.
One life at a time.
We're called to know God, to love Him deeply and to bring Him glory with our lives. Young people need us to pour what we've learned about Christ into them. Sharing life experience mixed with the truth of the Word is the best way to impact the next generation. We're told to disciple, mentor and teach God's Truth to the generation coming behind us, because if we don't, who will?
Here's how we're doing discipleship this summer. We're soaping in God's Love Letter daily, aware of the fact that we carry the aroma (a sweet scent) of Christ wherever we go, and we're marking down His faithfulness in our lives with stones.
Soap, Scents and Stones -
A summer GROW experience
The first week we met, my intentions were for us to meet five or six times during the summer, but they blew me away when they said they wanted to meet every week for consistency. WOW! Who knew these beautiful heartstrings of Jesus would want to stay connected all summer long?
Because of vacation, camp and Vacation Bible School, we've missed a couple of weeks, but we are back on this coming Sunday evening, and I can't wait!
We've eaten pizza, made our own smoothies, and this week, we'll play the card game "Spoons." I'm loving getting to know these girls and their hungry hearts to be all God has created them to be.
What's the heartbeat of your home? Are you using it as a tool to disciple hearts? If not, why not invite someone to gather with you around your table to talk about the greatest Love Letter ever written? Invite someone over for a cookout or for coffee. By pouring God's grace, love and mercy into others we're being obedient in drawing attention to His Son, thus making Him famous, one life at a time.
My Pleasure,