An Unusual Word For 2019

I've thought and thought about what word I should focus on in 2019.  I don't ever want to choose a word simply for the sake of having one in case anyone asks. Words have meaning, and whoever started this word of the year thing didn't start it haphazardly. It meant something to them. 

Some of the words I've seen posted on Facebook are Soar, Joy, Delight. Aren't these beautiful words? So much hope is attached to each of them. I love these. 

For 2019 though, I've been steered to an unusual word - Because. I know. It is weird, but it's a word that carries a lot of weight. It's a word used in Scripture which gives reason to truth, and with the battle my mind has been fighting lately, I need this truth connector more than ever.

Here's what I mean.

Have you ever questioned God's direction in your life? Have you ever asked Him "Why?" Even if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you're following Him in obedience, does the enemy still throw the doubt darts your way sometimes?

The end of 2018 filled my mind with questioning the path I'm on. Even though the year was jam-packed with affirmation, by December the enemy was slinging fear and doubt at me like Elf slings snowballs in Central Park. I've been pinged over and over with thoughts about whether I'm doing the right thing by telling my story through a soon to be published Bible study. Doubts that my story matters. Ping! Doubts that I've told it well enough. Ping! Doubts that it will truly impact the lives of others for God's glory. Ping! Fear that I've left something important out or put too much in. Ping! Ping! Ping!

Then, this morning, God met with me as only He knows how and calmed my fears. My unusual word showed up in my new devotional book for 2019. It was the first word in one of the passages listed to look up. 

Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place --- the Most High, who is my refuge ---- no evil will be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent (Psalm 91:9-10, ESV, emphasis mine).

A quote from Holley Gerth was also plastered on the page for me to see in large, beautiful script lettering reminding me again why He's called me to tell my story:

Because is a powerful word and one I'll be searching for more and more throughout God's amazing Love Letter this year.

Has God given you a word to carry into 2019? I'd love for you to share it with me in the comments section below.

Happy New Year, sweet friends! May 2019 be our best year yet in praising, serving, loving, and growing together.

My Pleasure,

Here's the devotional book I mentioned - Your Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet by Ellie Claire.


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