Mirror, Mirror... Week 2
The table was ready for the arrival of the Premier Girls for week 2 of our Bible study. This week was our first lesson and the beginning of discovering where we are spiritually on our journey with the Lord.
The PG's (Premier Girls) were very prepared to share what God had taught them this past week and it was a beautiful sight to see as they did so.
Mirror, Mirror, who can it be? Who is it that I really see?
The focus of this week was to take a good look at ourselves in the mirror; to stare deep into the eyes of our souls; to search for who was really staring back at us. What did our reflections reveal about who we really are?
Then we allowed the Lord to examine our hearts using Psalm 51. Wash, cleanse, renew, create, acknowledge, sustain, etc... were some of the verbs that we identified in this heart-wrenching prayer of repentance scripted by David.
The most difficult part of taking the next step on our journey towards Jesus, is being honest with ourselves, and with Him, about how He sees us and then, admitting that changes need to be made. Real confession of sin, plus real repentance from sin, produces a clean heart. When our hearts are clean, then the channel of our souls open up and allow Christ to flow in, through, and out of us.
Sin clogs the channel. Sin hinders our effectiveness for Christ. Sin distorts the mirror image.
A renewed relationship, without the hinderance of sin, frees up the channel so Christ's love can flow freely through us and onto other people. Confession and repentance are the keys to unlocking the door to a renewed and joy-full relationship with Jesus. Renewing the relationship leads to a life that is effective; a life that reflects His image in the mirror AND to the world.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me"
Psalm 51:10 NIV.
Psalm 51:10 NIV.
I can't wait 'til next week!
My Pleasure,