Obedience Reveals Relationship
I tweaked a phrase used by my pastor this past Sunday. He used the word "shows", but I chose "reveals". As he preached from John 5, this phrase stood out to me. It also fits well with the Bible study that we're doing in my home. So this is where the Lord and I went with the phrase...
"Obedience reveals relationship."
Obeying your parents reveals relationship.
Obeying your boss reveals relationship.
Obeying anyone in authority reveals relationship.
Obeying the Son of God reveals relationship. Obedience is the evidence that there is a relationship. And most importantly, it also reveals the condition of the relationship.
For example, I can testify that my marriage with my husband flows much better and sweeter when my relationship with my Lord is healthy. But, when the flow is not as sweet, I can always trace back to where I got off track with the Lord.
Disobedience also reveals relationship, or the lack of. It can mean that the relationship is damaged, or that there is no relationship at all. The patterns of disobedience reveal much about a relationship.
When disobedience is a common practice, then the relationship should be questioned. If disobedience is not the normal pattern of behavior, then there is a relationship, but one that is damaged, and is in need of repair.
My relationship with my children is hindered when sin is enters the picture, either on their part or mine. Being a parent can be awkward enough without the influence of sin, so frequent parent/child relationship check-ups are so important. The check-up, though, requires conversation.
Communication reveals to your children that your relationship with them is very important to you.
For our relationship to be checked with our heavenly Father, communication has to take place as well. If we are not on speaking terms with Him, then healing and restoration cannot begin until the silence is broken. Even if there has been a long period of silence, there is still hope!
Read Luke 15:11-32.
Now, let's examine the prodigal son parable.
The son left the father. The father didn't leave the son.
After a long time, and much sin, the son realized that he had to go home.
Where was his father? Waiting on him; expecting him to return.
The relationship was still there, but the son had to come home for the healing to begin. The son confessed and repented. And what did the father do? He welcomed him with open arms, forgave him, and even threw a party for him. I'm sure there were tears as well.
What happened? There was a relationship. The relationship was strained because of sin and distance. The sin was recognized, confessed, and repented of. The restoration began with the sinner coming home to the father. There was conversation. The father welcomed and forgave.
Party time!
The disobedience revealed much about the relationship between the father and the son; strained, uncomfortable, hurt... The obedience revealed restoration.
What kind of relationship are you in with your heavenly Father?
Now look at James 4:7-10.
"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up."
This verse can sound harsh, but it's really not. Read the Scripture again and insert the words "my" or "me" wherever you read the words "you" or "your".
This is a beautiful picture of true repentance, which involves mourning and weeping; humbling ourselves before the One Whom we've sinned against. Our hearts should ache because of how we've disobeyed the Savior of our souls. When we see our sin as something that hurts Jesus, we should weep, mourn, and fall to our knees in sorrow. Because when we have done that, then Jesus will lift us up, cleanse and purify, restore our joy, and heal our hearts.
Once we have our joy back, we then should desire our relationships on earth to be healthy, repaired and restored. If we have wronged someone, then it is our responsibility to ask for forgiveness. If someone has wronged us, it is our responsibility to forgive.
Not all hinderances in a relationship are our fault, but it is our responsibility to make sure that we are in a healthy relationship with Jesus. Ask God to change you. It's amazing as to how the change in our own behavior can affect, and even help change, the behavior of others. We are not responsible for their behavior, but we are responsible for ours.
Restoration is always a product of confession and true repentance with the Father. Restoration is His nature. Reconciliation is His will. Even if our earthly relationships aren't restored, we can still go to sleep at night with a clear conscience knowing we have done everything the Lord asked us to do. And who wouldn't want a good peaceful night's sleep?
What are the relationships in your life revealing? Obedience or disobedience?
Precious Lord Jesus,
Help me to reveal our relationship through an obedient life. I want others to know You and love you as I do. When I disobey You, help me to immediately confess and repent so my joy can return quickly as the relationship is healed. Help me to teach my children, and others, through my actions to do regular relationship check-ups. If there is anyone today, Lord, that I need to go to to ask for forgiveness or to give forgiveness to, please bring them to mind. I don't want to go another day without living in a healthy relationship with You. I love You, Lord. Thank You for forgiving me! Amen.
My Pleasure,
"Obedience reveals relationship."
Obeying your parents reveals relationship.
Obeying your boss reveals relationship.
Obeying anyone in authority reveals relationship.
Obeying the Son of God reveals relationship. Obedience is the evidence that there is a relationship. And most importantly, it also reveals the condition of the relationship.
Disobedience also reveals relationship, or the lack of. It can mean that the relationship is damaged, or that there is no relationship at all. The patterns of disobedience reveal much about a relationship.
When disobedience is a common practice, then the relationship should be questioned. If disobedience is not the normal pattern of behavior, then there is a relationship, but one that is damaged, and is in need of repair.
Communication reveals to your children that your relationship with them is very important to you.
For our relationship to be checked with our heavenly Father, communication has to take place as well. If we are not on speaking terms with Him, then healing and restoration cannot begin until the silence is broken. Even if there has been a long period of silence, there is still hope!
Read Luke 15:11-32.
Now, let's examine the prodigal son parable.
The son left the father. The father didn't leave the son.
After a long time, and much sin, the son realized that he had to go home.
Where was his father? Waiting on him; expecting him to return.
The relationship was still there, but the son had to come home for the healing to begin. The son confessed and repented. And what did the father do? He welcomed him with open arms, forgave him, and even threw a party for him. I'm sure there were tears as well.
What happened? There was a relationship. The relationship was strained because of sin and distance. The sin was recognized, confessed, and repented of. The restoration began with the sinner coming home to the father. There was conversation. The father welcomed and forgave.
Party time!
The disobedience revealed much about the relationship between the father and the son; strained, uncomfortable, hurt... The obedience revealed restoration.
What kind of relationship are you in with your heavenly Father?
Now look at James 4:7-10.
"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up."
This verse can sound harsh, but it's really not. Read the Scripture again and insert the words "my" or "me" wherever you read the words "you" or "your".
This is a beautiful picture of true repentance, which involves mourning and weeping; humbling ourselves before the One Whom we've sinned against. Our hearts should ache because of how we've disobeyed the Savior of our souls. When we see our sin as something that hurts Jesus, we should weep, mourn, and fall to our knees in sorrow. Because when we have done that, then Jesus will lift us up, cleanse and purify, restore our joy, and heal our hearts.
Once we have our joy back, we then should desire our relationships on earth to be healthy, repaired and restored. If we have wronged someone, then it is our responsibility to ask for forgiveness. If someone has wronged us, it is our responsibility to forgive.
Not all hinderances in a relationship are our fault, but it is our responsibility to make sure that we are in a healthy relationship with Jesus. Ask God to change you. It's amazing as to how the change in our own behavior can affect, and even help change, the behavior of others. We are not responsible for their behavior, but we are responsible for ours.
Restoration is always a product of confession and true repentance with the Father. Restoration is His nature. Reconciliation is His will. Even if our earthly relationships aren't restored, we can still go to sleep at night with a clear conscience knowing we have done everything the Lord asked us to do. And who wouldn't want a good peaceful night's sleep?
What are the relationships in your life revealing? Obedience or disobedience?
Precious Lord Jesus,
Help me to reveal our relationship through an obedient life. I want others to know You and love you as I do. When I disobey You, help me to immediately confess and repent so my joy can return quickly as the relationship is healed. Help me to teach my children, and others, through my actions to do regular relationship check-ups. If there is anyone today, Lord, that I need to go to to ask for forgiveness or to give forgiveness to, please bring them to mind. I don't want to go another day without living in a healthy relationship with You. I love You, Lord. Thank You for forgiving me! Amen.
My Pleasure,