Cope or Hope
How do you greet the day? Some people really struggle just to get out of bed in the morning. Some, like my husband, wake up with this cheery attitude that annoys the rest of us who like to move a little slower as we pry our eyelids open. I prefer to have my coffee before even speaking a word. "Mmm... Good morning, Lord!"
We all develop skills and habits that help us face and get through our days. But who wants to just survive when there is something greater to help us live fully alive?
Now I know there are legitimate medical reasons for why some people struggle through their days. I have dealt with some depression and fears through the years. I know what it feels like to feel defeated, worthless. I've fought hard against Satan's mind games to win against the feelings of worthlessness as a wife and mother during post partum depression. I've also experienced anxiety attacks on occasions; fearful of not being able to escape closed in areas. These feelings are real scary and those who deal with these things on a daily basis have my utmost empathy and prayers. I am not a doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist, but I do know One who offers something greater than just coping skills to get through the day. His name?
What does He offer?
Hope is for more than just survival. Hope is revival. Every morning I'm renewed because of Jesus. He is the reason I get up. He is the reason I live. He is the source of my strength. He's my strong tower, my refuge, my hope.
"God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all." (I John 1:5b)
Want to see light in your day? Seek Him. Run to the Light and flee the darkness. Speak His sweet name...Jesus. Jesus. Speak it right now! He will break through the walls of darkness in your life. He will give you more than skills to cope. As you speak His name, your clouds disappear. His light will burst forth. Hope will move you forward, not just get you through. Hope gives life. Life breathes hope and says, "Yes!" to the day He has given.
"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as he is. Everyone who has this HOPE in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." (I John 3:2-3 NIV emphasis mine)
My Pleasure,