The Distinguishing Mark
I don't know about you but to me, words written on paper are priceless. I love to discover old letters, notes, signatures, all written by people long ago. I also love to reread letters written to me or notes from years past. I especially love the words written to me from my sweet husband, Rick. Your handwriting no one can duplicate. Your signature is like your fingerprint. It's yours and yours alone! A piece of yourself, your distinguishing mark, swirled onto empty space on paper.
My daughter was finishing up thank-you notes to those who have given gifts to her for graduation. As I gazed at her handwriting on the envelopes, I realized that a taste of her personality was on the front of each one, and her heartfelt gratitude tucked away inside. It made me smile.
My daughter was finishing up thank-you notes to those who have given gifts to her for graduation. As I gazed at her handwriting on the envelopes, I realized that a taste of her personality was on the front of each one, and her heartfelt gratitude tucked away inside. It made me smile.
My son, as we're vacationing at the beach, is rediscovering his cursive handwriting at age 23. As he writes in his journal, he's remembering the concentration it takes to be precise in letter formation. Handwriting really is an art, something that develops through the years.
How vast is the knowledge of God to design each person with his or her own unique style of handwriting? It's incomprehensible the variety.
I can remember as a little girl loving to watch my mother write. It was so artistic. Every letter so precise and elegant. Even her letters in those tiny little boxes of the newspaper crossword puzzles she did every day without fail were perfect, and in cursive no less. Even her recipe cards were written in cursive; pieces of her I still have. Her signature on a card, her lists, every stroke a treasure. I'm so glad I have this memory as she would be 84 today!
Why do we not write as much anymore? I know the answer already. It's because of the progress of technology. We think we're saving time, but we're really giving up a part of ourselves that God has uniquely created us with.
The Bible- the written Word of God. God used men to write His message to us. His love letter recorded by human hands so we would know how much He loves us. He used men of faith, filled with His Spirit, to write His heart on paper in their handwriting so we could hold and know His heart.
In 2 Thessalonians 3:17-18, Paul wrote, "I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand, which is the distinguishing mark in all my letters. This is how I write. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all." What a treasure we have been given.
So whether I'm writing an encouragement note, signing a birthday card, or composing a love letter to my husband, I am leaving each recipient a special piece of myself with each stroke of the pen. What will you write today? How will you leave your distinguishing mark for those you leave behind?
My Pleasure,
The Bible- the written Word of God. God used men to write His message to us. His love letter recorded by human hands so we would know how much He loves us. He used men of faith, filled with His Spirit, to write His heart on paper in their handwriting so we could hold and know His heart.
In 2 Thessalonians 3:17-18, Paul wrote, "I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand, which is the distinguishing mark in all my letters. This is how I write. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all." What a treasure we have been given.
So whether I'm writing an encouragement note, signing a birthday card, or composing a love letter to my husband, I am leaving each recipient a special piece of myself with each stroke of the pen. What will you write today? How will you leave your distinguishing mark for those you leave behind?
My Pleasure,