All You Need Is a Little SOAP
I began a treasure hunt last evening with a group of women who are searching for some refreshment from the only One who can meet their spiritual needs, Jesus Christ.
As a college student, I was given a very useful tool to help me dig into and study the Scriptures. It impacted my life so much that when I found something similar to it on Pinterest, I was ecstatic! I'm such a visual learner that the simplest of things bring me much joy!
S.O.A.P. is the visual tool I found and is what I shared with these precious ladies as we began our 8 week study.
S.O.A.P. is all you need to begin digging deeper into God's treasure chest (His Word) loaded with infinite, eternal nuggets of truth.
Here's how it works:
S. Scripture: Write out the verse(s) being examined.
(This helps the Word to sink in.)
O. Observation: What do my eyes see in the verse?
(Key words, phrases...)
A. Application : What is God saying?
(Generally speaking)
What is God saying to me?
(Specific truth applied to my life)
P. Pray: Pray God's Word back to Him.
Confess any sin revealed.
Here's my prayer back to God today on our behalf:
"Thank You, Lord Jesus for the privilege of exhorting (encouraging) each other daily. I pray our hearts will not be hardened to Your voice through Your Holy Spirit by the deceitfulness of sin. For we are partakers of You and desire to hold our confidence in You firm to the end. Forgive us for not listening when You've spoken so clearly. Help us to honor You and obey Your voice today. (Hebrews 3:13-14)
Now, you try it! All you need is a little SOAP!
My Pleasure,