Prone to Wonder
An old hymn, full of rich doctrine and pure truth, lay relatively dormant after being sung for a couple of hundred years in the Church. Of late, it has been resurrected. Even a chorus has been added by Travis Cottrell to modernize it. Once again, standing the test of time, this beloved hymn is on the forefront of worship song choices.
This beautiful hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," was written by Robert Robinson and John Wyeth in the 1700s.
The title of today's blog is on purpose because of a line in the hymn that says, "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love..."
Because of our sinful nature, we are prone to wander away from the One who loves us more than we can comprehend. The good news is, because of His incredible love toward us, He is never prone to leave us, no matter how hard we try to pull away at times.
Because of the Father's never-ending, unconditional, sacrificial love for me, demonstrated by His Son on the cross, I am prone to wonder.
Wonder is defined by Webster as "a person, thing or event causing astonishment and admiration; marvel."
The Person of Jesus Christ, His holiness, and His unmeasurable goodness causes me to wonder, to adore Him. I marvel at the undeserved grace-FULL life He blesses me with every. single. day.
Aren't you? Hasn't the magnificent, extravagant grace of God caused you to wonder? My sincere prayer is that God helps us to not wander away, but to stay in His presence in a state of wonder, awe, and adoration.
My Pleasure,