Beyond Imagination
April 6th was my best friend's birthday. Don't worry. I won't say which birthday. It was also the day I had set aside to take three of my teenage piano students to see the new Cinderella movie. My friend graciously accepted my invitation to tag along to give us some extra time together to celebrate. She admitted later how amazed she was that she liked the movie as much as she did. I knew she would.
This was my second viewing of Cinderella on the big screen, and if another opportunity arises, I will go again. It's just. that. good. and has left me thinking on so many levels.
This time I came away thinking about the depth of the imagination. How far we've come to bring story to screen. This interpretation of a childhood fairy tale encompassed masterful cinematography. So powerful, and yet simply beautiful.
The clarity and power of the picture drew you in as if you were there; standing obscurely in the hallway of the family home observing the innocent interaction between sweet Ella and her parents, hiding behind a tree watching as Cinderella and the Prince have their first encounter in the forest, or maybe even crouching behind a chair laughing at the antics of the mice, or holding back on wanting to strangle the stepmother and stepsisters because of their rude and hurtful comments to Cinderella.
An incredibly engaging movie.
This production of imagination led me to think about God's divine, limitless imagination, and just how creative He is with all that He has created and placed right before our eyes, even beyond what our eyes can see.
As man continues to imagine and pursue more, he can only do so because the God who gave him the ability to imagine has already imagined it and created it in the most perfect, holy way.
Watching the exquisiteness of the dance at the ball with Cinderella looking into the depth of the Prince's eyes, and following in total surrender to his lead, turned my thoughts toward heaven.
How exquisitely and respectfully Christ will "dance" with His Bride, the Church, at the Wedding of all weddings, with all the details perfectly taken care of with no magic and definitely no clock to ever strike an announcement that time is up. Forever is endless.
Cinderella was breathless at times from sheer joy as she danced with her prince, just as we will be when we see Jesus face to face, up close.
Fairy tales are made up stories designed with a moral lesson, but they couldn't have been made up without the Creator thinking of them first. He has always known what lessons would be taken away from the moral of the story, as well as, to the depth He would take me with thoughts of Him and His Word watching this childhood favorite. And is still my all-time favorite today.
Just think. Anything we can think or imagine, God has already been there, done that, and is infinitely beyond our wildest dreams. It's finitely mind boggling. We will only be able to make, invent, write, draw and/or think as far as God will allow until that glorious day when the herald trumpet sounds, the heavenly curtain is opened, and Christ steps out to welcome us into all He has imagined for us to experience throughout all eternity.
All people will slowly and reverently bow in awe, confess Him as Lord, and possibly address Him as, "Your Grace".
It is beyond imagination.
My Pleasure,