So Much Good from a Really Good God

Two months ago our lives forever changed.

I miss my other "daughter" so much, especially her contagious smile, infectious laugh, and bubbly personality as she bounced into the Shull home at least once a week. She could turn a frown upside down faster than anyone I know.

McKinsey's running into the arms of Jesus after only 20 years of life on earth has shaken us to the core of who we are, to examine for the first time, or reexamine, what life and death are all about. What is eternal and what's just temporal? What's important and what's not?

We continue to reflect on our life's purpose, close friendships, family relationships, how we spend our time, what salvation is and spiritual growth, who Jesus really is, the Bible, and so much more.

I thought this would be a good time to mark some of the many good things which have come out of the incredible impression this precious young woman made on all of us.

Families are closer.

Friendships are stronger.

The Kingdom of God added to.

Mothers and Daughters are studying the Word together.

Her mom and friends going on mission to Uganda.

Conversations about Jesus sparked.

                                                                More hugs!

McKinsey's legacy of faith continues on with so many lives changed, and changed for good. Heaven rejoices over the new believers who's salvation journeys have ignited in Christ.

Many hearts have softened toward the work of the Holy Spirit, eager to hear truth, absorb truth, and developed an increased desire to serve Jesus, know and love Him more deeply.

Tears still fall and Jesus is still catching them, wrapping His loving arms around us as we continue to walk through the grieving process. In the midst of our heartache, our really good God is doing incredibly good things as a result of the faith of this one we loved, cherished, and still miss greatly.

Let's don't walk around in a funk. Let's keep our heads up, walk this faith journey with confidence, filled with the joy of Jesus Christ, and just like Kin's, knowing our journeys will take us all the way into the arms of our Jesus one day, too.

Stay strong, bold, and courageous. God goes before us and is with us all the way. More good things are to come!

My Pleasure,


Beyond Imagination


Stir It Up!