What Time Is It?
Can you read the time on this microwave?
It's 11:11.
Several years ago, I was introduced to a magazine being circulated in our area called 11:11. As I read through a copy of this publication given to me by a friend for awareness sake, I found it to be unsettling in my spirit, and totally opposite from what I believe as a Christian and know to be biblically true.
Over the past several years, studying the amazing meanings of numbers and what they represent throughout Scripture has made me much more aware of them when they show up in everyday life.
For example, the numbers 3, 7 and 10 represent perfection and completion. 10 is representative of Jesus Christ, 3 represents the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and the number 7 also marks many time periods of completion and perfection throughout Scripture.
The number 11? Well, it represents chaos, confusion, and lies.
You can imagine my "ah-ha" moment as I thought about the 11:11 magazine.
The father of lies, confusion and chaos is Satan. He's crafty and lures us into his tangled web of lies by mixing a tad of truth with a whole lot of false information, causing doubt and confusion. He entices us with something that, on the surface, sounds good, and makes us feel good, drawing us in to take a "bite".
If we aren't grounded in the Word of God, abiding in Jesus Christ who is Truth, it's difficult to identify the enemy's crafty recipe for deception and destruction, much less be prepared to resist it.
A couple of times a week, the moment I glance at a digital clock whether in our home or in the car, the time is 11:11. I know what you're thinking, "Mel, that happens twice a day. So what?"
When I started seeking the Father's heart as to what He had for me to do with this deep desire to write, He used the 11:11 magazine to challenge me to print Truth; to show what Truth looks like when lived out in real life. It was a humbling thought and huge undertaking, but in obedience, I began a new chapter in my story for His glory. This huge step of faith became Living Real Magazine. Real life. Real faith. Real people.
Many times since the beginning of Living Real, God has confirmed through people, His Word, and yes, the digital numbers on a clock, that I'm where He wants me to be.
Just this past week I was editing articles for the fall 2015 issue. As I finished editing, on two separate days, I glanced up from my computer to check the time on the microwave, and it was 11:11.
I know it sounds crazy, but this happens all the time. I'm not a clock watcher, nor am I waiting around for the numbers to change to 11:11.
Our sweet, holy, personal, intimate Lord, who loves us ever so deeply wants us to be aware of His loving presence at all times. He chooses to speak to us through specific details in our stories throughout our day, and if we're paying close attention, we will recognize Him.
Noticing the 11:11 on a clock is confirmation that I'm combating the enemy's chaos, lies and confusion in this world with the Truth of Jesus Christ, giving me confidence, in a simple sort of way, to press on - affirming my calling to battle the 11s in our lives.
It also makes me smile!
Call me crazy if you'd like...
"...nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day." (2 Timothy 1:12 NKJV)
How is God affirming you?
My Pleasure,