Winding Down and Gearing Up
Very little time is left as many prepare to go back to school, ending the lazy, slow, sweet summer days. We have arrived at this weird, in-between place of winding down and gearing up.
Summertime means lots of things to different people, but for most it brings adventure, smiles, and a little extra sleep. This summer has been a little off kilter for our family, but still has managed to bring on the good stuff: family beach trip, a break from piano lessons, more time with good friends, lots of reading, and unstructured time to rest and refocus.
But, moving into the summer of 2015 also marked many milestones achieved and many changes ahead.
Our son finished his Master's Degree today and will graduate in August. In a couple of weeks, our daughter will be moving into a condominium as she begins her junior year in college. And, we anticipate the selling of my parent's home, hopefully before the end of the year.
As the breezy, hot, lazy days of summer linger, we can become nervous and anxious about what the end of summer means and what is waiting for us up ahead. A new school year brings lots of unknowns for parents, students, and teachers, but whatever summertime means for you, we all wind down and gear up at some point.
I like to think of this in-between time as the close of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. The name of this book is, "My Story, His Glory." Our reading is really our living the detailed life adventures God is writing with our lives. Turning the page means we're moving past what is behind and moving forward to what lies ahead - the good future He has planned for us. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Hopefully, we're sitting on the edge of our seats in great anticipation of the wonders He has in store, praying and seeking Him with all of our hearts. (Jeremiah 29:12-13)
Wherever we are on our journey, we can rest assure that we have an omniscient (all-knowing), sovereign God who goes before us, who knows our future, and is paving the way for more life abundant, full of joy and grace.
Gearing up requires faith - a must to walk our spiritual journeys with a calm spirit, a clear mind, and a pure heart. It's imperative we are aware of the anxious thoughts that drift in to interrupt our peace of mind, causing us to shift our focus off of the things of Christ and onto things that cloud our vision, which may cause us to sin.
The key is abiding and trusting. Abiding in Christ and in His Word. (John 15) and trusting Him with all our hearts. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever. (Isaiah 26:3-4 NKJV)
So, as we are smack dab in the middle of this in-between weird place, let's wind down by reflecting on what God has done in us and through us this summer, and let's gear up for the page turn with excitement and anticipation for what He will do in and through us this year.
My Pleasure,
Summertime means lots of things to different people, but for most it brings adventure, smiles, and a little extra sleep. This summer has been a little off kilter for our family, but still has managed to bring on the good stuff: family beach trip, a break from piano lessons, more time with good friends, lots of reading, and unstructured time to rest and refocus.
But, moving into the summer of 2015 also marked many milestones achieved and many changes ahead.
Our son finished his Master's Degree today and will graduate in August. In a couple of weeks, our daughter will be moving into a condominium as she begins her junior year in college. And, we anticipate the selling of my parent's home, hopefully before the end of the year.
As the breezy, hot, lazy days of summer linger, we can become nervous and anxious about what the end of summer means and what is waiting for us up ahead. A new school year brings lots of unknowns for parents, students, and teachers, but whatever summertime means for you, we all wind down and gear up at some point.
I like to think of this in-between time as the close of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. The name of this book is, "My Story, His Glory." Our reading is really our living the detailed life adventures God is writing with our lives. Turning the page means we're moving past what is behind and moving forward to what lies ahead - the good future He has planned for us. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Hopefully, we're sitting on the edge of our seats in great anticipation of the wonders He has in store, praying and seeking Him with all of our hearts. (Jeremiah 29:12-13)
Wherever we are on our journey, we can rest assure that we have an omniscient (all-knowing), sovereign God who goes before us, who knows our future, and is paving the way for more life abundant, full of joy and grace.
Gearing up requires faith - a must to walk our spiritual journeys with a calm spirit, a clear mind, and a pure heart. It's imperative we are aware of the anxious thoughts that drift in to interrupt our peace of mind, causing us to shift our focus off of the things of Christ and onto things that cloud our vision, which may cause us to sin.
The key is abiding and trusting. Abiding in Christ and in His Word. (John 15) and trusting Him with all our hearts. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever. (Isaiah 26:3-4 NKJV)
So, as we are smack dab in the middle of this in-between weird place, let's wind down by reflecting on what God has done in us and through us this summer, and let's gear up for the page turn with excitement and anticipation for what He will do in and through us this year.
My Pleasure,