Sunday Scribbles - Crush 'Em! Part Two
You shall have no other gods before Me. Exodus 20:3 NKJV
Over the last several weeks I've accepted a challenge to take a serious inventory as to what is stealing my affection away from the only One who deserves my every numbered, purpose-filled heartbeat - Jesus Christ.
To investigate this theft, God has used some hard lyrics from a song playing over and over in my mind to help me identify the idols which have taken root in my heart. (From "Clear the Stage" sung by Jimmy Needham)
Anything I put before my God is an idol.
Anything I want with all my heart is an idol.
Anything I can't stop thinking of is an idol.
Anything that I give all my love is an idol.
The identifiable "anythings" have to be ripped out and uprooted to make space for the true Lover of my soul to do His holy transfiguring.
When the Spirit whispers, "That's an idol," Christ commands us to crush it!
When the Spirit spotlights an "anything" cowering in a corner, we're called to crush it!
On and on it goes until the investigative process is complete and all of our idols are lying in ruins at the feet of Jesus.
Societies crumble because of the invasion of idolatry - the perversion of true worship. The only way to take back our culture from the "anythings" pulling our affection away from God is to clear the stage, remove the noise, get on our knees, and tune our hearts to hear the whispers of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him access to investigate our own hearts first. And then, staying there until we have dealt with the "anythings".
It's time to crush 'em for Jesus' sake people, because He was crushed for ours.
My Pleasure,