Encouragement: A Spiritual Pro-biotic
"Jesus is your strength! You can do this! Stay strong!
Be brave! God's got you!"
Has anyone ever spoken or written words of encouragement to help you push through something difficult? Words are strong. Words soothe. Words linger. Words heal.
Hebrews 3:13 tells us to encourage each other daily. But, the author of Hebrews doesn't stop there. He continues: as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
Encourage on purpose.
I have a treasure chest overflowing with cards filled with encouraging, lingering, healing words. These personal, hand-written notes have helped me over the years to stay in the race, to encourage others more, and to enjoy the journey.
Life is hard. The result of a fallen world existing under the consequences of sin. If allowed, the hard of life can harden our hearts toward the goodness of God. If our focus remains on our circumstances for too long, we will take our eyes off of the good, loving, grace of Jesus and turn our hearts toward bitterness, anger, and sin's deceitfulness. A miserable existence.
Encouragement is powerful.
When our sisters and brothers in Christ give us encouragement, they are giving us a type of spiritual "pro-biotic" needed to fight off the contamination of sin, thwart the lies of the enemy, and improve our spiritual health. Receive it with grace and a grateful heart.
Because we are not here on this earth for long, we should embrace life, find joy in the moment, give thanks in all things, and live life to the fullest through loving Christ deeply and making Him known.
God offers encouragement to us every day through the power of His Word. When we bask in His presence, we can face anything this life throws at us. In His strength, yes, we can.
Today, in Hebrews 13:3, refers to the present. No one is promised tomorrow. As long as we have breath for Today, daily encouragement is needed, and should be given, to help us to live strong, be brave, full of joy and courage, resisting a bitter spirit, anger, or a sense of defeat.
I hope this has encouraged you to encourage another Today.
See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. (Hebrews 12:15 NIV)
My Pleasure,