A Desperate Need for War Rooms
If you haven't seen the Kendrick brothers' new movie, WAR ROOM, I beg you to go.
Powerful. Intentional. Holds nothing back. Watch the trailer at warroomthemovie.com.This movie affirmed in my heavy heart that praying without ceasing in the in-between spaces of my daily grind is a great thing, but it also revealed an immediate need for a tangible, intentional space to do battle in. I need a WAR ROOM.
Today has especially been a battle day and I know why. Anytime I'm preparing to teach the Word of God, Satan comes at me hard. Today he came at me with church calendar planning. Satan isn't happy with all that is strategically planned to point people to Jesus, so he's trying to cause conflict, but he's not going to win!
Satan's also attacking my husband by wearing him down as he deals with his aging mom. Today of all days, as he is preparing to kick-off his men's Bible study fall group, he sat with her in doctors' offices all day long. But, the enemy can just go back to his crummy corner and leave. us. alone!
Satan has a well thought out strategy to defeat us. His goal is to steal, kill, and destroy anyone who may seek or is seeking after Jesus Christ. (John 10:10) He attacks where we are weak, where we seem most vulnerable. Why? Because He knows that people who seek Jesus, find Jesus. And those who find Him share His truth with others. Where Truth dwells, our ability to defeat sin excels!
Satan also knows that he can't have those of us who belong to Jesus Christ, but he still tries to defeat us through stealing our joy, destroying our families, and throwing his darts at us wherever and whenever we let our guard down.
So, people, there is a real need for real WAR ROOMS (tangible prayer closets) in every Christian home.
A spiritual WAR ROOM is an appointed place, free from distractions, where spiritual strategies are designed for defeating Satan's schemes, and where heart-wrenching, knee-bending battle takes place. Where prayers ascend, Scripture is searched, the Spirit whispers, truth is claimed and Jesus is proclaimed. It's where battles are won!
I'm heading to my newly cleaned out WAR ROOM now as I submit to the authority of Jesus Christ, open His Word and pray. I need a good strategy as my husband and I prepare to enter this season of teaching, equipping and discipling for God's glory. Jesus has already won the war. I just need Him to fight these hard, daily battles for me and defeat the relentless enemy seeking to steal my joy.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. (James 4:7-8 NIV)