The Struggle is Real
How many times have you heard somebody say, "The struggle is real?" Or maybe, like me, you've proclaimed the same on several occasions.
Calling attention to our life struggles has gone viral in the last decade or so. The Struggle is Real is plastered on all types of merchandise and social media: T-shirts, coffee mugs, computer stickers, memes and hashtags. We live in an it's-all-about-me society, so to capture the attention of people above everyone else's noise, we shout to the world, "Hey! Look at me! I'm struggling too."
Believe me. I get it. Life is hard. Circumstances can be unbearable at times. But, what if I told you there's a struggle we should not be weary about? One we should embrace everyday with the energy, power, and joy of Jesus Christ?
In Colossians 1:28-29, Paul explains.
Him [Christ] we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his [Christ's] energy that he powerfully works within me.(ESV)
What is the struggle Paul is alluding to?
Proclaiming Christ
Warning against the enemies of the truth
Teaching the saints (followers of Christ) with all wisdom
To present everyone mature in Christ
Now this is a struggle we should all wake up thinking and getting excited about. This is a struggle we're all called to for Jesus' sake.
The real struggle comes loaded with the power, energy, and joy of Christ! Sign me up! I want to face everyday doing what I know pleases the Father - living for Jesus.
Sharing our life struggles with one another is important. Praying for each other is essential. But, when we allow our emotions and feelings to dictate the course of our day, the struggle becomes all about us, instead of being all about Christ.
Identify your struggles today. Are you allowing the enemy to draw your eyes off of Christ and onto yourself and your circumstances? Are they hindering you from accomplishing the real struggle Christ has called all of us to? Pray for Christ to refocus and renew your mind today. Set your mind on things above (Colossians 3:2) and not on things of this earth. If you do, I promise you'll find life's struggles so much easier to bear.
Lay your struggles one by one at the feet of Jesus today. Ask Him to fill you with His energy, power, and strength and to work through you as you seek to have the mindset of Christ in everything you do today. Embrace the real struggle to proclaim Christ, warn against those who twist God's truth, to teach wisdom, and through it all, to present mature Christians, as many as possible, on the day when they meet Him face to face.