Truth or Lie: Which Path Will You Choose?
After Christ spoke His perfect creation into existence, breathed His own breath into the lungs of the human race, all was craftily interrupted by Satan.
The notorious enemy of all that's good and true invaded the minds of Adam and Eve.
The fight for our souls began with one lie spoken into the human mind.
The first battle was lost because the lie was given permission to take hold.
Sin was birthed on earth, and God surrounded the Garden with Cherubim and a flaming sword. (Genesis 3:22-24) God spared all of us from an eternal existence with sin and shame by running Adam and Eve out of the Garden before they could eat of the Tree of Life. God already had a perfect plan for our redemption. Sin was the culprit to set it all into motion.
The Scriptures state that the love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) Truth. And the root of all evil stems from the lie spoken in the Garden. The love of money is believing the lie that wealth can buy you eternal satisfaction. Even the wealthiest king to ever live, King Solomon, acknowledges this is a lie. (Ecclesiastes 5:10)
The nourishment for the root of all lies comes from the slandering of God's character by Satan: Did God really say...? (Gen.3:2)
Lingering with this thought leads us to doubt the truth about God and His Word.
The power of the lie is only enacted when the "I" in "Lie" replaces the I AM of Truth with self-gratification.
How do we fight the Liar's Lie with Truth?
Lie: Did God really say...
Speak Truth: Jesus said, I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6, emphasis and paraphrasing, mine)
Lie: Did God really mean...
Speak Truth: You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is the fullness of joy. At your right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11, ESV).
Harboring doubt will never allow us to arrive at the Truth. Don't take a wrong turn. Only the Truth brings real joy and satisfaction.
As I'm preparing to lead Ruth Chou Simons' Bible study called, Truthfilled, I'm already preparing for the inevitable spiritual warfare, because the enemy hates Truth. We'll be learning the art of preaching God's truth to our own hearts so we can walk in the fullness of joy with our Savior, Lord, and King.
I. Can't. Wait!
What Scriptural truths are you impressing on your mind today so the Liar loses and I AM prevails?
Don't allow the enemy's lie to take root in your mind and heart. Fight back with Truth. Don't be afraid. Throw the knockout punch. You'll be so glad you did!